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Our newsfeed informs you about the latest features and software updates in Novamag, because we work on improving our software every day. If you would like to find out more about the individual features, please visit our Help Center at support.novamag.de.

  • Media
  • Design

Integration of the unsplash.com media database

20. Jan 2025

No matching image material for your digital magazine at hand? No problem! Find the perfect images and photos for your project directly in Novamag from now on!

In the Modal Media Center, you can now search for high-quality and fitting images for your digital magazine using keywords. With just a few clicks, you can import your selected images directly into any folder in your media library and use them immediately for your digital magazine – free of charge. This ensures your content will truly catch the eye!

Tip: Use English keywords to get more results.

    Media library: New features

    26. Nov 2024

    We are constantly developing our media library for you so that you will have more options to design your digital magazines in a stylish and efficient way in the future. 🚀 The new features will be implemented in the software step by step.

    The first step involves these changes:

    1) New collections can be created using the + Add collection. Simply click in the field and name your collection as you wish. ✨

    2) You can now add more media to your media library using the button Upload files. Click on the button to open the Media Centre in the upload window. 🖼️

    3) A progress bar is now displayed in the Media Centre when uploading files. Here you can see when the upload has been successfully completed. ✅

    4) A turquoise field appears on the left-hand side of the Media Centre. Additional media can be added quickly using the quick action button Upload file. The field will become more relevant in the future. At this point, we are integrating the free stock photo database unsplash.com so that you can search for suitable media for your digital magazine directly in Novamag.

    • Templates
    • Design

    Design templates shine in a new design!

    14. Nov 2024

    The thumbnails of our design templates now shine in a new design! You can also find them at novamag.de/templates

    • Go-Live

    The latest issue automatically as the start page

    13. Sep 2024

    The new edition is ready and can finally be published? Until now, you always had to take an extra step after each publication and customize the new issue as the start page for your domain under Project settings >> Archive. This is over now!

    From now on, the selection “Latest publication” will appear in the drop-down menu. If you select this option, the latest published issue will always and automatically be set as the start page for your domain. 

    Good to know: The “Current publication” setting is already set as the default for newly created magazines. 

    It is of course still possible to set the archive as the start page for your domain so that your readers see an overview of all your previously published publications as the start page.

    • Images
    • Videos
    • Media

    Multilevel menu for moving media folders

    22. Aug 2024

    The multilevel menu enables media folders, images, videos and other file types to be moved to the desired location. Whereas previously only the top-level folders were displayed when moving a file, all subfolders are now listed. 

    In addition, the top level of the media library is marked with the word “Main folder”.

    • Duplicate
    • Templates
    • Pages

    Links to content pages can be duplicated

    14. Aug 2024

    In addition to duplicating text and media blocks, links to content pages can now also be easily duplicated. This saves you a lot of time when styling your pages, as all individual settings are applied when duplicating. The corresponding field is located at the bottom of the page in the Links tab at template level. 

    • Fonts
    • Editor
    • Media

    Fonts reorganized

    26. Jul 2024

    With the new font organization, you can now either search for any font or go back to the last 5 fonts used in the project. This simplifies the styling of texts, as each font is quickly accessible.

    The fonts are divided into user-defined fonts (custom fonts) and standard fonts (default). Custom fonts are uploaded to the project by users themselves, while default fonts are automatically available in the software.

    The new sorting can be found in all fields in the software where you can select a font.

    • Templates

    Poker label: Header and button position can be changed

    10. Jun 2024

    A template feature that many have been waiting for: In the poker label template, the position of the header and the button can now be changed independently of each other. 

    For this purpose, a distinction can be made between top-center, center-center and buttom-center in the corresponding field.

    The settings can be made in the page editing in the Media tab.

    • Translation
    • Design

    Software language German is now available

    17. Apr 2024

    So far working in Novamag was only possible in English. From now on the system can be set to German. 🗣🇩🇪 💬 💻

    How can you change your language? 

    If you want to change the language in Novamag, you can do this via your personal profile. Click on your profile picture in the sidebar, navigate via your profile to Details / General contact details to the Language field. Here you can select German or English from the drop-down menu and save.

    • Tracking

    Tracking Premium

    02. Apr 2024

    The Tracking Premium feature is now available. The Novamag Dashboard contains an extended tracking monitor that allows logged-in users to view and analyze all key data on reading behavior independently. 

    The Novamag Dashboard appears directly after login or can be accessed by clicking on the Novamag logo. To gain detailed insights into the reading data, the tracking monitor can be expanded with a click.

    With the Tracking Premium feature, you can easily keep an overview. You can use the filter function to generate the statistics for individual digital magazines or publications. You won't lose any reading data. Continuously optimize the performance of your digital magazine by tracking the source of your readers and reacting proactively to user behaviour.

    • Videos
    • Media

    Background videos with sound

    08. Feb 2024

    The content of the digital magazines can now be made even more tangible, as background videos can now be played with sound. On pages where a background video with a soundtrack is embedded, a sound icon appears in the bottom left-hand corner of the reading view, which is automatically deactivated. Readers can activate the soundtrack by clicking on it.

    Whether a background video should be played with or without a soundtrack can be specified within the template by clicking on the sound icon.

    Not all videos can be embedded with a soundtrack. If the embedded video has no sound in the original, the sound icon is hidden in the reading view.

    • Duplicate
    • Templates
    • Media

    Text and media blocks can be duplicated

    07. Feb 2024

    Who hasn't been there before: when creating an interview, a timeline or an image gallery, the styling of the individual text and media blocks can be quite time-consuming. 

    From now on, created text and media blocks can be duplicated with a simple click. This means that the styling of individual elements, such as the speech bubbles in the Interview Classic template, does not have to be repeated each time.

    Only when text and media blocks are added via ADD ELEMENT the individual blocks can be duplicated. This function can be found in design templates in which the Blocks and Medias tabs appear. These are currently as follows:

    • Book-Scroll-Slider
    • Image-Classic
    • Image-Gallery
    • Interview-Classic
    • Multiple Background
    • Poker
    • Poker-Label
    • Product-Gallery
    • Timeline-Classic
    • Timeline-Right
    • Timeline-Left
    • Legal

    New standard cookie consent for digital magazines

    20. Dec 2023

    All digital magazines are now provided with a new cookie consent. Individual services can now be flexibly activated and deactivated.

    The new consent tool also offers users the option of deciding when reading the digital magazine whether they do not want to allow the content of certain services at all, only once or always. If users do not give their consent, external content will be blocked in the digital magazine. All cookie settings can be adjusted at any time via the navigation bar.

    The new cookie consent automatically appears in the multi-language magazines in the corresponding language.

    • Images
    • Templates
    • Media

    Image Gallery: Title & Description are editable

    18. Dec 2023

    The title and description text can be individually styled in the Image Gallery template. Custom fonts, color codes and highlighting can now also be used in an image gallery. 

    • Roadmap

    Discover our roadmap on novamag.de

    11. Dec 2023

    On our roadmap you can now find all planned major features and find out when they are planned.  


    • Templates

    New template: Cover content

    11. Dec 2023

    In addition to two logos, the cover content template can also be used to place up to five teaser texts, which can optionally be linked to specific main and content pages.

    • Templates

    Make background (image) clickable in the template Book-Scroll-Product

    11. Dec 2023

    In the template Book-Scroll-Product it is possible to link the background and/or product image externally and thus create a large clickable area in the reading view.

    • Legal

    Conclusion of electronic order processing agreement (AVV) / Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

    29. Nov 2023

    From now on, the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) for new Novamag customers will be concluded electronically and directly in the software. An orange warning symbol will appear above the team icon for teams that have not yet signed a DPA. It is then possible to see, complete and accept the DPA in the Team Overview. The complete contract is then available to download for your own filing system.

    If a DPA has already been signed in the course of the collaboration in the past, the relevant information will appear in the Team Overview from now on. No further action is required in this case. The existing DPA contract remains valid.

    A data processing agreement (DPA) is a central requirement of the GDPR: If personal data is processed on behalf of a service provider in accordance with instructions, a DPA must be concluded. In order to ensure data protection-compliant cooperation in connection with the use of Novamag, the conclusion of a DPA is therefore highly recommended. Please therefore ensure that you check the DPA at the start of the collaboration and accept it in good time.

    • Duplicate
    • Templates

    Updated clone function

    29. Nov 2023

    With the clone function in Novamag, individual pages or even entire publications can be cloned from one publication to another publication or even to another project. Content pages can also be cloned from one main page to another. With the update of the cloning function, content pages can now also be cloned to a main page and the other way round (main pages can be converted to content pages). This is only possible for all content-enabled templates, meaning that the cover and index templates are excluded.

    • Images
    • Design
    • Media

    Pop-up window for individual images

    21. Nov 2023

    From now on, images can be opened in single view via a pop-up window. This makes it quicker to edit individual images or add details such as a copyright.

    • Videos
    • Media

    Individual thumbnails for videos

    21. Nov 2023

    An individual thumbnail can be defined for each video. In the media library, a new thumbnail can be easily uploaded via the individual view of the video by using drag & drop in the Add Thumbnail field.          

    • Projects

    Purge publication cache independently

    20. Nov 2023

    In order to trigger the visibility of all changes to a publication directly on the external domain, any user can now use the Purge Publication Cache button in the Page Overview to empty the cache independently.

    • Legal

    Text modules to supplement your own privacy policy

    20. Nov 2023

    Novamag provides text modules from common third-party tools that are often used in digital magazines to complete your own privacy policy. The text modules are only legally non-binding samples. Novamag does not offer legal advice. The legal responsibility and review of the use of third-party tools remains with the customer.

    Individual text modules can be inserted in the Project Settings under Legal. With a click on the Add Privacy Text Modules button, a pop-up window opens in which the services used by the customer in the digital magazine can be marked with a checkbox. The text modules are available in both German and English and can be edited. Nevertheless, they alone do not replace a data protection declaration.

    • Videos
    • Media

    Autoplay, Loop & Muted: Extension when inserting videos

    16. Nov 2023

    There are three new functions for videos in the text editor that can be set when inserting a video:

    1. Autoplay: If the function is activated, the video starts automatically.

    2. Loop: If the function is activated, the video runs in a continuous loop.

    3. Muted: If the function is activated, the video is muted.

    Note: Modern browsers only allow the autoplay function if the video is muted at the same time. If Autoplay is selected, the Muted function is therefore activated automatically.

    • Templates
    • Design

    Information box at template level

    16. Nov 2023

    In addition to the status of the individual page, the information box also shows the corresponding page URL (name of the URL) as well as information on when the page has been last updated. If more than one language has been created, you can use the box to quickly switch between the languages and directly recognize which language version you are in.

    • Fonts
    • Media

    Download button for fonts

    16. Nov 2023

    Fonts can now be downloaded. Just open the Collection Fonts in the media library, select the appropriate font and download it using the download button.

    • Projects

    Reload notification for server update:

    15. Nov 2023

    We are constantly working on optimizing our software. Therefore, it can happen that we release bug fixes or features in the software in the background while someone is working on a page in Novamag. To ensure that the latest editing status is not automatically lost when the page is reloaded, a warning message now appears asking you to save and reload the page. Reloading the page ensures that you are always working in the latest software version.

    • Legal

    Styling options for legal notice

    15. Nov 2023

    The legal notice and privacy policy can be styled using the editor in the customer's CD by using your own fonts or colors.

    • Legal

    Notification if no legal settings have been defined for a project

    15. Nov 2023

    If no legal settings have been defined in a project, including the legal notice and privacy policy, a warning will appear in the Project Overview. 

    • Pages

    Multiselection function

    13. Nov 2023

    For a clear layout of the Page Overview, we have summarized several functions in a drop-down menu. The Select Pages function has been added, with which several pages can be selected and deleted under the Actions menu item.

    • Design
    • Pages

    Visibility of content pages

    13. Nov 2023

    The display and creation of content pages has not only been visually improved, but also functionally optimized. In order to keep things organized in the Page Overview with the numerous pages, the entire content pages can be shown (Show All Contents) or hidden (Hide All Contents) using the buttons. From a number of 11 content pages, these are automatically hidden in order to avoid unnecessarily long scrolling within the Page Overview   

    • Fonts
    • Media

    Fonts have moved to team level

    07. Nov 2023

    While the Fonts menu was previously located at the top level in the Project Overview, uploaded fonts are now available at team level and are located in the Files tab. You can easily drag and drop the fonts into the designated font collection as .otf, .ttf or .woff files, in the same way as you would upload media files.


    • Design

    BETA MERGE - the big Novamag update

    06. Nov 2023

    After a long period of fine-tuning, we are proud to finally present the new software user interface. From now on, Novamag not only appears in a visually adapted and clean design, but also offers you a comfortable application experience as a result of the increased loading speed.

    The new software interface is now automatically available to all users after logging in.

    We have made the following changes: 

    • In the user interface, we have summarized functions in a drop-down menu. Existing functions can be used as usual - you will find some of them rearranged.

    • Functions such as editing publications and opening a preview are now more obviously named and therefore easier for you to find.

    • We have expanded the ability to determine the status of the publication and individual pages in a more differentiated way, so that working together in Novamag is more manageable and effective.


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