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Get out of the digital offside

Do not miss the digitization trend with innovative all-in-one newsletter solutions

Published on Nov 1, 2019

Constant changes in the professional world bring not only advantages but often disadvantages as well. On the one hand, digitization makes it possible to work flexibly, on the other hand it promotes pressure to perform and the lack of interest involved. Simple and innovative solutions prevent slipping into the digital offside.


Higher, faster, further - this is the motto in German professional and career life. But the topic "simpler" is increasingly causing problems in the digital sector. The degree of digitization is increasing and the older generations are increasingly discovering the digital topics for themselves. According to the Digital Index 2018/2019 of Initiative D21, 84% of the German population is currently online. Most of the growth was generated by the over-60s.

Many chances of mobile working remain unused. Nevertheless, the professional world is becoming increasingly digital and just under 50 percent of the working population assume that the job they are exercising will change noticeably. Of course, digitization does not just have its advantages. like spatially flexible working, but also disadvantages. These include the constant pressure for learning and adaptation and the resulting lack of interest in development.

How does the offline become an onliner?

Of course, there are still Germans who still live offline. This raises the question of where the aversion to the digitization trend comes from and how they might become online.

The most important and decisive reason, for 82 percent of the off-leasers, is the lack of interest. This is revealed by the complexity and the lack of benefits. Furthermore, 28 percent deviate from classical media such as print and radio as a source of information.

We want not only the off-line to become an online person, but also to make better use of the opportunities of mobile work and to create more incentives so that digitization does not bypass people with little interest or little time.

With Novamag out of the digital offside

We create incentives from Novamag with an innovative all-in-one solution. The classic already learned "newsletter" will be interesting again and, above all, easier. Easier compared to a regular PDF newsletter. Thus, we offer not only the opponents of digitization, but also career-oriented an interesting and individual newsletter solution. Complicated handling was yesterday, with Novamag we not only reach potential customers but also our own digital circle of friends.

Even if the temporally and spatially flexible work is still an exception and currently only 16 percent of Germans work mobile, the digitization trend is unstoppable. Novamag provides companies with a solution to the preconditions necessary to avoid being left alone.



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